(This may be all disjointed , I wrote it quickly while angry, just let me vent. BUT, it is very important that you know all of these things that are slipping under the radar, news wise )
So much, so much... info over load.
I have been working this over and over in my head for the last week + or so. Pretty much ever since Newt went all atomic on Juan WIilliams the other night, causing him to win the South Carolina Primary. We all know that only African Americans use food stamps!
( and really how dare those lazy ass folks want to feed their children...).
There is also this nut case birther of a judge in Georgia, Michael Malihi - who is demanding that President Barack Obama appear before him to prove that he was born in the United States or else he will not appear on the Georgia ballet this November , seriously, January of 2012, and the GOP in Georgia is still proudly running with the birther thing. What are you people thinking??!?
( huffpo story )
update : per the AJC :
This waste of time case was heard today, no ruling
There is a movement in Tennessee to " whitewash " all of American history . The founding fathers did own slaves and all, but way to much is made of that and killing Indians and all.. really, all they were about was lowering taxes on the rich, that is where our focus should be.
( huffpo story )
The darling of all the college age GOP set these days, Ron Paul, standing in front of the stars and bars and droning on and on about how , well, I heard that the darkies should have just been happy as slaves. I'm sure he said something different, but I can only deal with what comes into my head.
( watch the video )
Pulling it all together, getting the one thread that could get me to print, and then, this morning, Governor Chris Christie, talking about the gays, not the blacks said this. A grown-up, I am going to assume educated man - the Governor of the 11th most populated state in the union said:
[ a little more background before we get to the jaw dropping quote. The New Jersey Legislature is just about to pass full out same sex marriage, and the Governor has said ( duh, he is a Republican ) that he will veto it, and that is should be on the ballot. The elected officals came back to him with no Americans civil rights should be put to the vote, the same argument that we always use , " what if African American civil rights had been put on the ballot in 1965" ,now you are mostly caught up )
"The fact of the matter is, I think people would have been happy to have a referendum on civil rights rather than fighting and dying in the streets in the South. It was our political institutions that were holding things back. I don't think there's anything necessarily so special about this particular issue that it must be handled by a legislature. Why would that be? I don't understand how anybody could argue with letting the people decide this issue. Let's stop hiding behind this 'we don't put civil rights on the ballot' thing. Ya know, please. These folks would put anything on the ballot if they thought they could win." - New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. ( per The Philadelphia Inquirer via JMG )
Why oh why did the good benevolent folks of Mississippi/ Alabama / Georgia /South Carolina et el, just line up and LET THE PEOPLE VOTE on Separate but equal, Jim Crow and voting rights. OH, wait.. .voting rights are in there you *&#$%!! dumb as a sack of hammers pos. He is my age, how can anyone who has been alive for as long as we have been NOT know their own history ??? This man wants to be President of Vice President ??? Yeah, I'm guessing they would have all been happy to vote and not go through this:
The Republican party has become nothing more than the Neo-Confederate party of the United States.