Sunday, September 21, 2008

Gameday Final

( I love the colors in this picture from the AJC, that was some BRIGHT yellow!)

Much, Much better than last week, we came, we sweated , we won the game. AND, who knew you could watch a GEORGIA game with no beer, no bourbon, no bloodies, no tequila shots, no jello shooters just good clean wholesome living. I am guessing this was a one week event, but it was something everyone should try , at least once.
Bama looked GOOD today, so next week will be our biggest test so far. I THINK I heard Kirk say that GAMEDAY was going to be in ATHENS for the game. That should be fun, get the Bulldog Nation all fired up starting that early in the morning , and then not have the game till 7:45 that night. To quote Larry:" Man, is there going to be some property destroyed tonight"
We get passed the Roll Tide Roll crowd and it SHOULD be easy sailing till October 25th when we have to go to the other death valley. LSU at home. Both undefeated... no pressure or anything.... 
It's great to be a Georgia Bulldog! ( and MAN! sucks to be a Tennessee Vol! )

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