Friday, January 30, 2009

It's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice?

Elections have consequences. 
They lost, we won, bottom line
It is fantastic in a whole khum bah ya, sort of way that our new President is reaching out to the other side ( the dark side) and trying to include them in fixing the super-sized mess that THEY mostly made. But, if they keep this up, acting as thorns in the side of progress, I firmly hope he sends them to the backest of the back benches. A smack on the nose with a rolled  up Washington Times.
"Come along with us, brother, together we can get to the other side" 
ONLY to have his hand bitten by the  little yapping dogs that the Republicans in the house have become. They have nothing at all to fear by being obstructionist, the few house seats that they represent are safe, the tsunami has already been through. They are the most rabid of the red staters, and on their way out: There are only FIVE bright red states left. Some are calling them the Mormon Belt.

"That's right: just five states, collectively containing about 2 percent of the American population, have statistically significant pluralities of adults identifying themselves as Republicans. These are the "Mormon Belt" states of Utah, Idaho and Wyoming, plus Nebraska, plus Alaska. By contrast, 35 states are plurality Democratic, and 10 states are too close to call."
 The deep south is now purple, for the most part.  Just today , the head of this tiny band of blacksmiths, Rush-the-dope-fiend, came down from on high and appointed as Queen of these five states : Governor Palin of Alaska.
The failed polices of the last eight years are gone, a new wind has swept through the country. For the GOP in 2009 , it is time to Lead, ( failed) , follow ( failed) of just get out of the way. The grown ups have some real work to do here.

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