Monday, July 27, 2009

Dinner Impossible

This is last nights dinner, posted today... because what should have been a one small G&T to grill come chicken, turned into all the gin that was in the house ( which was not much...) and a couple of V&T's to pick up the slack! So, dinner, the next day....

Your basic grilled chicken, grilled summer veggies, brown rice, tomatoes dinner... until something went wrong with the grill. There is gas, there just seems to be no pressure, so it will not really crank up the heat. I had made this YUMMY pomegranate molasses " bbq" sauce, so I was going to cook this chicken outside! Twenty min of grill time became a 90 min race with botulism... So, roasting pan, over the chicken to keep in what little heat there was, and for the 300th time Paul Spencer, this is not your pan, it looks exactly like one that you had years and years ago, but you lost yours. This one is mine.. that's my story, I am sticking with it

Koda the faithful bbq assistant
" oh, its a bottle of gin that makes you want to sin.. in the halls, in the halls...."
Pookie gave up.

Meanwhile, I can't grill the veggies so into the tagine they go, when I see that I am out of olive oil! If it's not one thing...

Still loving my slow cooker setting on my stove! The oil, butter and garlic and just let it go
Locavore squash from Wegmans. They not only tell you the town and farm your produce was gown on, BUT, the day and time it was picked... really, the worlds best grocery store!
In the end, it turned out really well.

( and yes, it does take a high level of self absorption to turn Sunday night dinner into this long of a blog post....)

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