Friday, March 12, 2010

Tonight we are gonna party like it's 1984.

( I don't think this is a post Clem-p-son game
nor, am I really sure it's 1984, but ,the flavor is the same)

Sounds like something you could catch,or stub, or a fabulous French pastry.
Dabo Swinney.

But, in fact he is the head coach of those fightin' Clemson Tigers, and he has come up with what I think is a pretty darn good Idea.

I think it is a great idea. The schools are eleven miles apart, and if you don't stop in Susan's hometown for b-51's, it takes no time at all to get up there, or you know , for them to come to Athens. Back in the day, in the way , way, Kyle-still-had-hair '80's ,Clemson was ,there for a while, the biggest rivalry going. They were the first team to beat us , post our 1980 National Championship, going on to claim their own championship that year ( along with a Miss America, or Miss Universe or something... it was all on the same poster..) They were the team that UGA played its very first night game against, and something I had forgot until today, it was a Clemson game that spawned : BUTLER BY A TOE.

Now getting things changed in the NCAA is slower than talking to Neil's Ents, but it could happen, and it really would be win-win for everyone.
  • " oh, someone could get hurt" Well, they could get hurt in the dull dull dull G DAY game as well
  • " takes away from the regular season" No, it's just a little spice to carry us over until the fall.
  • on , and on, the naysayers , and as a rule, I am one of them HATE change at UGA. Lord-a-mercy, they wore black helmets one game and it was more hullabaloo than the health care debate.

An added bonus is that UGA could play the game for charity, which everyone old enough to have any sense has missed since the demise of the annual Thanksgiving Bullpup v Baby Jacket games for Scottish Rite. So let's do hope that this little idea of Dabo's can come to fruition.

A HEADS UP, as the 1984 Clem-p-son v. The Mighty Georgia Bulldogs " Butler By A Toe" game will be re-played on ESPN-Classic on Tuesday, March 16th at Twelve Noon. Get that St. Patty's day drinking started a day early.

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