Friday, July 30, 2010

Maya and Me

And yes, that is me putting on all sorts of airs. Let's try " Maya and Kyle , really, doing his darnedest to live up to even a portion of her ".

So there is this story from her that I have read, or saw on Oprah or somewhere about " not in my house ". Someone tells a racist, or anti gay or anti woman or antisemitic joke or story in her house : she puts them out. " That will not happen in my home ", or if she is in another person's home , and it happens, she leaves. Silence is an action.

I was not always like this, growing up, looking like I did, more sounding like I did - ( no doubt that I was from the Piedmont of Georgia when I opened my mouth ... much more pronounced than it is now..), people said things around me , or to me, all the time. Ni**er this and Ni**er that. I just stood there, took it. I'm sure I heard fa**ot this and fa**ot that as well.

Well, as a grown up , or as grown as Peter can be, at this point, and I do not take it anymore. I will ask you to leave my house,or I will leave yours. Online, I have told people, " good bye.. I don't talk with people that say those things, and ALWAYS , always to the person, it's " oh , just lighten up, its only a joke, get off your freaking high horse". My house, my internet , my feet. I will not have this in my house.

BUT, I have learned, through the help of a friend, that Facebook is not mine.
Watch as much of this charming little video as you can. ( and I really don't want to post it on here, but don't see how I can not ) but a friend of mine posted it on fb this afternoon.

Someone I have known for 25+ years, very smart, very well to do, living in Georgia, in the brightest red part of Georgia posts this, along with " this is GREAT, sorry too all my wonderful liberal friends ". Wow.
Yeah, I get it, you don't like President Obama, you don't like Democrats, you don't like liberal/progressives, what ever.. but honestly, you can not see this as PURE RACISM ? Were you thinking that the play on words of reneger was just too cute to pass up and not re-post.. when, I grantee you have heard the "joke" , " what do you call the shift change at burger king". The really interesting part of this is , I do not in any way think this friend of mine, is in ANYWAY a racist.

But, being who I am, in a rage I type up this big ole long rant on the faceybook, getting all high and mighty and talking about Jesus... when I stopped. NOT THE PLACE FOR IT KYLE. " Take three deep breaths and put it on the blog instead". ( 2010, I can TEXT B.DAY! )
Trust me, I was always the odd Southern duck... putting the round hoop skirt into the very square hole and all, the hard core pinko commie in with the nascar set, and I am , HAD to become , tres' thick skinned. I also know that you can be friends with people that do not think exactly like you do... really, some of my best friends went McCain/Palin. You can either choose to be a purist and drink alone, or just come to the conclusion that people can disagree AND not be disagreeable. ( after a few drinks , don't trust me to not be that disagreeable when it comes to politics, better we stick to SEC football...).

This little song just set me off today, because of the source, I would never ever have expected it from her, PLENTY of other folks I am facebook pals with yes ( that one drunken jumbo WBHS add that I did ...) but not her. Maybe I have been away from Atlanta/Winder/ Athens for too long. Maybe having an African American President has made people think that it is ok to say these things now. Who knows.... I wish I didn't have to have it " in my house", but the internets are free and wide open. And AND , I just blew off enough steam to not go all postal in public.
How and when did the level of discourse get THIS base? Really....

And at least for now, Red Staters, we are the majority,easy to be magnanimous when you are winning. A little post punk PIL to play us off.


b said...

Love this song. Thanks for the happy.

I think you are right ...

First, I never would have clicked on Ev's video had you not pointed it out to me. I skip that stuff in general. Second, not sure I would have watched it long enough to catch all the coded racism. And you are right, there is a whole bunch of it. Starting with the deliberate mispronunciation of "renege" to cover its homonymism (izzat a word?) with what will still remain only the NWord to me. Continuing on to various skin-color references. And we're not even addressing the factual lies here.

Second, you don't have to kick people out of your house (like dicky-ol Don Draper). But I have always felt an obligation to call people on this politely -- whether it's in my house or in their own. In fact, I have already done so with our friend Ev, who I will be didn't recognize this overtly when she posted it.

I can't count the number of times that I have told other of your good friends, in re racism and homophobism, "I don't appreciate that kind of language and attitude. Please don't talk that way around me, as I find if very wrong and offensive." For me, as you know, that is a confrontational stance. But I know I'm right and I feel it throws cold water on the offender without being rude. S/he will think twice before talking that way next time.

Third ... who the hell is Maya?

b said...

P.S. Anger is an energy. really the perfect song for your rant.

Thanks again for posting this video, which I'd never seen, for a song I forgot I loved.

Kyle said...

GrammyM said...

You are soooooo right! See you in a few days!!