Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ding Dong DADT is dead......

AKA : A shit load of heavily armed homos are out there folks.....

Wow... I just wrote what came out to be a way WAY bitter screed, which - new Kyle and all, I deleted before pushing POST. Starting over . There is a lot of blame and A LOT of credit to go around for making this happen. The folks that think the sun rises and sets in their underpants ( how on earth did  I end up being acquainted with so many of these ?!? ) are shouting from the rooftops how it was all them.

Countless names and faces and BRAVE honest Military individuals and families pushed and fought against planet sized odds and won. You know the kinds of things good military folk do. Here is my bottom line. THIS WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED WITH OUT BARACK OBAMA, AT ALL.. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.
NOT that t here is not endless reasons for celebrations, and lets hope for more to come. Now, here is a lovely , LOVELY photo of Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach kissing Thomas Roberts last night as the law went down.

Raise high the roofbeams... this could keep you up at night.

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