Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ken Mehlman is still a dick. ( and not in a good way...)

Ok, so George Bush's little rally -the- troops guy is a homo. Not news to us. Let me let all you breeder types in on a couple of secrets. Yes, I will get in trouble from the Union, but I have not been to a meeting since my gay tourettes cleared up, so I can deal with the backlash.
  1. If you, as a "straight" man have done any playing on our side of the tracks, since say, band camp ( doesn't count ) .. but after that: We know about it. We are a chatty chatty chatty group, and it does all of us worlds of good to send around the news letters with all of your names. Really. We are also not as- some would believe - overly malicious, so for the most part, we don't broadcast these things.. but we might.
  2. Our collective memories put elephants to shame. Really, again. Ask most any of us what Cher wore to the Oscars in 1979 and we can tell you. Hell, ask us what anybody wore pretty much any year to the Oscars and we can tell you. OH SURE , the softball-n-sleeveless flannel set will get all butch and grumpy and go all off on pretending not to know, but they are just not fully evolved out of that self hatred mode yet. We remember.
I for one am not all about hating on Mr. Mehlman here in 2010, but that does not mean his late, VAST transgressions against us will be ignored. Hey, 44 years of living in that closet, with all those g.o.p. harpies around him was enough hell on earth for Kenny boy. But good luck, Ken... just try and getting your jollies outside of goproud or that well worked grindr ap. We remember...

Go to Joe or just google if for any odd reason you need to see many examples of how Ken Mehlman hurt is own community, I am going to focus on just one. Come with me, as we drift back to the way distant year of 2004.... when all we had to worry about was that one distant war. The last of the pre-melt down elections: Kerry and the ketchup money v. Bush and his fallen towers. CLOSE... to close for the guys that STOLE THE LAST ONE, so they needed to prime the pump. This was the time after hating Communists and before hating all of Islam, back when WE were the main target of their wrath.{ I had a quota of 300 bibles and 20 sons to steal from loving mothers...} Kenny boy and his evil minions made sure that Anti American Anti Gay rights issues would be on 11 state ballots that year... nothing gets the Christianists out like keeping me down.
In the one true battle state that year, the Florida of 2004 was,Ohio. Where the right wing and their bible thumping buddies were out banging on dishpans warning the masses of the coming pink menace, and the only way to stop it was to keep the evil Kerry out of office.The Bush took Ohio by that anti gay vote, barely scraping by John Kerry to be re-elected. From the NYT 11-04-04 :

Constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage increased the turnout of socially conservative voters in many of the 11 states where the measures appeared on the ballot on Tuesday, political analysts say, providing crucial assistance to Republican candidates including President Bush in Ohio and Senator Jim Bunning in Kentucky.
The amendments, which define marriage as between only a man and a woman, passed overwhelmingly in all 11 states, clearly receiving support from Democrats and independents as well as Republicans. Only in Oregon and Michigan did the amendment receive less than 60 percent of the vote.
But the ballot measures also appear to have acted like magnets for thousands of socially conservative voters in rural and suburban communities who might not otherwise have voted, even in this heated campaign, political analysts said. And in tight races, those voters - who historically have leaned heavily Republican - may have tipped the balance.
In Ohio, for instance, political analysts credit the ballot measure with increasing turnout in Republican bastions in the south and west, while also pushing swing voters in the Appalachian region of the southeast toward Mr. Bush. The president's extra-strong showing in those areas compensated for an extraordinarily large Democratic turnout in Cleveland and in Columbus, propelling him to a 136,000-vote victory. ( the rest )

SO, big gay Ken and Big gay's daddy Darth Dick got re-elected by tossing some gays under their bus to freedom. God Bless America.

Welcome to your life, Mr. Mehlman. The closet is a horrible horrible , soul crushing, life ending place, as you have known for the last 44 years. Just thinking you may need to invest in a truck load or so am Ambien to sleep well, knowing how many of your fellow homos YOU helped keep in there.

This is an ad that was released in Nevada today. This is Ken Mehlmans legacy:

1 comment:

jane said...

I swear when I read about his outing, I about vomited. Some people might just deserve the pain and torture of remaining tucked away in a closet. Sorry, it's mean, but I really feel that way. Why should someone who promoted bigotry and hate be embraced and accepted? Can't do it.