Monday, November 3, 2014


Had the folks from St John's over for another Sunday night - 
Sort of a meeting, where I fuel them with liquor and feed them well.
I give good meeting.

Nothing at all to pick from the yard for the center of the table... and I used my Grandmother's china, which I rarely do.
The hangover and the football based blues led to a lot of cooking.

  • Lemon Roasted Chicken
  • Wild Rice Mix
  • pre season canned cranberries!
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Roasted Beets w/ lemon and garlic
  • Mixed Greens ( I got all this across the street at our little neighborhood market, so the greens are just kale and spinach.  And a side note here, I have been under the impression that one of our pals that comes to these meetings is a vegetarian, turns out she is not, just does not eat red meat, which would have made things much easier for me, so everything here is meat free, save the meat. A little trick I learned in making vegan greens is LIQUID SMOKE - really, it just adds that je ne sais quoi that is missing when not adding meat fat - you get the unctuous from just a good quantity of olive oil )
  • Butter Beans
  • Dinner Rolls
  • Sweet Tea

 They love me.

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