Friday, November 21, 2014



Just what it says it is, and new to me. I thought it was some sort of odd parsnip, seen on the left here, but no, parsley root.

From the website FOOD 52

We know what you’re wondering, and yes, parsley root is exactly what it sounds like: the root of the herb parsley. This is a variety grown for its large taproot though, rather than its leaves (although its leaves are edible too). It belongs to the carrot family, along with fennelcelerycilantro, and the very similar-looking parsnips. Confused about what you're looking at? The parsley-like leaves should give it away, but if not, take a bite. Elizabeth Schneider breaks it down: "Parsnip is sweet; parsley root is not -- its flavor contains elements of celeriac, parsley, and carrot but it is more aggresive and aromatic."
Selection and Storage
Parsley root’s season is just beginning, so if you aren’t quite ready for autumnal vegetables, you'll still be able to find them through the spring. Look for firm, uniformly-sized roots that are a pale beige. The greens are best eaten within a couple of days, but the roots will store well for a week or two -- treat them just like carrots. Cut off (1) the greens and store the roots and greens separately in plastic bags or reusable containers. When you’re ready to use the roots, they’ll need a good scrub to get the dirt off, but they don’t need to be peeled -- unless you just really like your peeler.
How to Use
Try parsley root baked in a gratin, pan-fried in fritters, or deep-fried as chips. It pairs well with other roots and tubers too, so try them roasted, mashed, or puréed together. Add parsley root to soups and stews (this is an especially good choice for any roots that have started to get a bit flabby). Parsley root can also be substituted in recipes calling for celeriac, carrots, parsnips, and turnips. It is almost always eaten cooked, but it can be eaten raw too: add it, sliced, to a crudité platter, a coleslaw, or a salad, like Diane Morgan’s salad of parsley root, apple, and watercress found in Roots.

HERE are lots of recipes

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