Monday, April 20, 2015

Uncalifornia the joint.

Strawberries suck. Really - its April and sitting right  here in the tiny little Mendon Meadows Market are beautiful looking , plump perfectly red high Summer strawberries - that taste at best, like soggy card board. The same with so so many beautiful fruits and veggies in American super markets today.
California grows 90+ % of these tasteless berries - and OOOPS! they have run out of water.

A once in a 1000 year ( really, its that bad ) super drought is settling in over the Golden State - and our dependency on the states produce is about to change.


A very good article from MOTHER JONES about the whens and whys and hows of doing just that. The Finger Lakes and the areas up on Lake Ontario of New York have massive agriculture - which shocks some people. This is really how I found out that strawberries suck. A farm stand on the side of the road, in real late summer with freshly picked NOT so beautiful varying in color and size fruit that was an explosion of pure sugar drenched sunlight in my mouth. THIS is a strawberry . Or a peach in Gaffney, South Carolina etc etc.  This is not some foodie hipster dream , it is the way we have to deal with climate change - more locally grown produce.

( now who the hell is going to pick this in the anti immigrant South is a whole other question..)

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