Sunday, February 7, 2016


Neil was not quite up for going over to Dahn and Davids annual party this year, plus we have some things going on here at the house - so an at home Superbowl for me.

Pregame was a Judy Garland movie, the 1954, oddly restored version, of A STAR IS BORN

Took a break from the movie to watch Gaga score a touchdown with her almost Whitney-esque version of the STAR SPANGLED BANNER

Then watched last Thursday's TOP CHEF

Did catch the half time show, which I though was just sort of silly . But, when was the last time the Superbowl was played outside AND during the day - so I cut them a little slack. Coldplay seemed an odd choice to anchor the MOST AMERICAN of all events - plus a little dated. Dont get me wrong I am a fan of them... just not real Superbowly. Add Beyonce and Bruno Mars to sort of overshadow Chris and the boys - but it was still a bit of a snooze fest for me.

Just re watch Madonna's

At 9:00 switched over to Downton Abbey - which was sort of a filler week - with only THREE LEFT! A whole lot has to be sorted out in such a short time!
Went back to the game with just a few min left to catch
The Peytons beating the Cams ( who had a pretty crappy last two min of the game )

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