Monday, January 25, 2010

RAIN , RAIN, and then some more RAIN

Really, sort of unheard of this time of year THIS far north. Lots of rain... a couple of solid days worth. The clean clean white is now the muddy muddy green of April... and it's only the middle of January. I think it is supposed to get into the middle 50's temp wise today, before getting back to the normal 7 or so by Friday....
A heavy winter coatless day .

Seriously, it's a little tiny mini hurricane out there... crazy wind, rain.... " get back in the house Dorothy! "


Anonymous said...

Your yard looks more like Georgia than ours. We are all yucky brown and lots and lots of rain yesterday, but beautiful sunshine today

GrammyM said...

Blustery day in TN. 38ยบ at noon. Cold for us southerners. Wish I had some of your good chili!