Wednesday, August 29, 2012

burying the lead

At long long last, style wins out over content.

 ( Matt LOVES hurricanes... really. It is 10:47 and this is still his lead - his marching orders are pretty darn clear this morning )

All anyone is talking about this morning is the hot blond in the red dress.

America !

Your golden fat boy of a keynote speaker is nowhere to be found, Governor Romney - just your lovely, sometimes ill - uber Mormon-Lady- who -lunches- and -sometimes -rides- horses wife. " How could you not trust me when I tell you my very smart , very pretty, very rich husband is what you NEED
Look - I am just like you - here in my one good Sunday go to meeting dress .


b said...

Speaking of style, did you see that the Times-Picayune is going all online?

b said...

Speaking of style, did you see that the Times-Picayune is going all online?