Thursday, January 31, 2008

John McCain

"war, war, war, if i hear war one more time , i shall go into the house and shut the door"
Isn't the war polling at 20% around the country? Can he really be elected by saying over and over: " we can be there for ten thousand years?"
"As president , John McCain would nominate judges who understand that the role of the Court is not to subvert the rights of the people by legislating from the bench"- from his own website. "Subvert the rights of the people"? SO, things like the voting rights act should be put to "the people"? 
He has so many good ideas , and is hated by the Limbaugh wing of the gop, which has to be a good thing. He has proved many times that he can reach across the isle, so that would make it hard for Senator Obama to run on just "unity". He has just jumped-the-shark in his pandering to the wack jobs.

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