Monday, October 22, 2012



Crunch time... and  that time has slowed to that geological bit by bit - the frozen black-brown slowness of - molasses in winter, something I really know nothing about - but one would guess it was really slow. Seriously, it has been October for three eternities.... with sweet release still nowhere to be found.
BUT, this is what we do, we are Democrats, we worry. There is the famous scene in WAR ROOM, where Bill Clinton , with an Electoral Landslide in his back pocket, was all fretful and worried about the latest results from Nevada - again, it's just what we do.
 Let's let some hard cold numbers be out Daddy's little helper.

or the more pessimistic 
Huffington Post map

That is One plus the magic number - WITH ONLY THOSE BLUE STATES - taking out Iowa and Colorado, which are , to the rest of the world, leaning blue.

I need to chill out a bit, seriously - that last debate almost did me in. The couple of days off the grid were a huge help. Tonight's debate is just foreign policy - IN South Florida ,here is a preview:

 I , and you, have to remember that ALL the media, not just Fox and MSNBC, but every single talking head, wants this to be a horse race, it's just better all around for them - and will talk up the latest Gallop etc as if it were the Gospel. 
For the next two weeks do yourself a favor and somewhat limit your exposure to the excessive hype.  During the GOP primaries, I was all over right wing websites " know your enemy" and all that - now , none at all - just don't want to do that to myself. The right wing nut jobs that are what ever reason are my pals on facebook will keep me abreast of their latest rantings.

I have no crystal ball - I do think that we can relax about Ohio , just from the Senate race numbers there. I would very much like to take Virginia , just to keep Allan out of the Senate - but the White House is what counts. The Wisconsin race will be one that I will be obsessing over for the next 15 days, that along with the four states with marriage on the ballot. My local race is much closer than I wish it was but redistricting has helped a little bit. 
We have some friends coming for a visit this weekend, that will help. An all out tailgate for the WLOCP.. and a few of those cocktails may help. 
As always :

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