Thursday, October 4, 2012

palate cleanser

OK.... moving right along nothing to see here - WHAT better way to get over last nights little..... misstep than:

Sarah Burton's Spring 2013 Collection for Alexander McQueen

That's right, a little high fashion to get that taste of Romney mendacity out of your brain. Ah Honey Honey - Sarah gets her Apiculture on!  Bees is the word!

 Fashion with a capital F here, as Ms. Burton wasps in those waists and shows that A. McQueen will be a force to be reckoned with ! I love everything about all of this show - pure McQueen, but with a "softer " hand. Seeming almost perfect for the time....
are more looks from TLo and you can really get a feel for the BEE theme - Bee Keeping, Bees .... The oh so overused transparencies is not even bugging me, seems fresh and to work here.
This black one is as dramatic red carpet as we have seen in a long long time, kicking some draped goddess over worked silly Zac Posen. Yes, someone did say that the red dress was Dalek high fashion - but so what...

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