Friday, August 31, 2012

today's word of the day is : fail


Jennifer said...

I felt this was totally appropriate, since the right has spent the last 4 years locked in a struggle with an imaginary Obama rather than the one that exists in reality.

b said...

Is he being mean to sweet Chairey? Or is he asking her to dance?

b said...

I finally went to watch the Clint video, which is now the most of the convention I've seen or heard. I kind of enjoyed it. Sort of like a ventriloquist. He's old, but he's not mean. And for a while there at the end, I thought he was talking about Romney.

Also, how about a critique of Ryan's wife's dress? I like that one.

Kyle said...

This was a nightmare for the Romney folk.... you don't get them all fired up with ex Mormon Rubio then go to Grandpa Simpson.... major fail

Kyle said...

This was a nightmare for the Romney folk.... you don't get them all fired up with ex Mormon Rubio then go to Grandpa Simpson.... major fail