Saturday, December 22, 2012

Eve, Eve, Eve.....

Our first full day in Atlanta after what was a LONG trip down. The pesky little Winter storm that is swirling around out there had us come due South instead of the usual go to Cleveland and turn left. Seemed like we were in Virginia for three days. No really bad weather to speak of, but I was just fried to a crisp for that last half hour or so .....
A good nights sleep broke to a beautiful day 

Got a few reports of a white Christmas settling in over Mendon,
Bright sunny and not too cold here.
 We were shocked , SHOCKED! I tell you to find the Christmas tree selection so very limited
but at such a bargain
 The Spencer meat 
( and some Lobster dip )

 Koda out walking his boy

 Merry was made by all.
Susan and Paul put up their tree
 Reid and Paul
 Then off to Chubby Sumo to celebrate Logan's b-day!
We think out chop chop guy was sort of new, as we only got the one tier 
onion volcano.
A very nice day and evening to start off our trip.

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