Saturday, August 13, 2011

some captions just write themselves....

The Bachmanns celebrate post winning the Iowa Straw Poll
( I really think this photo is from some other celebration, I just wanted to go with it )
Ssssuper Ssseriously!

Just a tad overwhelmed by all that went on the last month or so.... blow it up politics and all . But, with the GOP campaign fixin'ta kick into high gear, I can feel the old juices starting to flow. 
I mean LOOK at the gift the GOP is giving me
  • Mitt and his band of Mormon perfection : There is tape out there of him saying in his failed '94 Senate bid against Ted Kennedy " I will out gay Ted Kennedy any day of the week" . He loved the gays back then. Oh, and the precursor to " Obamacare " was Romneycare.. yeah, the ruling tea party crowd will eat him up
  • The Bachmanns : Demons and light bulbs. Tres' Presidential!
  • George Bush with out the Ivy background   Texas Governor Rick PErry : social security and medicare UNCONSTITUTIONAL and that whole Texas should Secede thing!

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