Brand new levels of how much I can dislike a situation, really.
I am sure that I have led a most charmed life to be experiencing a lengthy hospital stay for the very first time at my advanced age. They are all very nice there, its comfortable, easy to get in and out of - and I hate it as much as I have ever hated anything. Turns out, at least this hospital sort of does a bankers hours sort of thing - note to self get sick on a Monday, cause nothing happens over a weekend.....
Neil had a much better day , as I descended into the depths of a gross , messy-wet Summer cold. I took him his computer and he was lost in it for a few hours, back to old times . As much as I did not want to leave, I only stayed a few hours today - he did not need be around me in my spewing state, and I was not at ease in the yellow fabric mask ( which I went through like three ) He was doing much better, white cell count witch was at, I think 17 - was down to 11 - and 10 can pass as normal - even if they like it to be lower than that , six to 10,
A new doctor today, who seemed to shy away from our original diagnosis - more tests, not to be done till Monday, but this morning and afternoon his fever was gone - back tonight, it is a roller coaster. I want to do so much more than I can - I do not deal very well with helplessness.
I will do a better job of spreading the word, I just did not feel well at all last night. Not that there is anything anyone can do for us - it is all just a waiting game.
I'll be there in the morning for an all day stay.