Tuesday, February 26, 2008


  All over the news tonight: a McCain supporter DARED to criticize Senator Obama, used his middle name "mocking-ly" ( the horror!) called him the "profit from Chicago"... McCain was shocked,and begged forgiveness ,  Cry-Wolf Blitzer, outraged...at latest reports, Barack was fine. Hope everyone saw the opening of snl on youtube before NBC pulled it, covered this topic. The press loves loves loves their Barack! This should all make for a very civil general election.
I'll watch the debate tonight, should be the last one. My ex, Andrew Sullivan says BHO should appoint HRC to be a SCOTUS. I would love that...
POST DEBATE update.... cue Jack Jones with the Love Boat theme... everyone is proud, Hillary loves the blacks, Barack loves the ladies. She should not have said anything about SNL, he should have said Farahakahn (?) is a joke. Nothing changed. I think she will win Ohio and Texas, could be wrong, have been pretty much all along with Senator Obama. If she doesn't win, both, she will get out.. if she wins.. who knows.. 

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