Wednesday, February 6, 2008

the Show Me state

I have gone tv-free tonight. Neil and I went to a lovely dinner at Bonefish Grill and since getting home , i have been getting all my info from the NYT and other websites. Its been fantastic , I have been able to make up my own mind on things, with no yelling from tv talking heads. I wont do this for many other big election nights, but this has been very eye opening. ( I am not in any way at all condoning the odd cable free life style that some people choose, ( happy birthday!), but i can at least understand the choice a little bit more.)
I don't know if any of the networks have called Missouri, but it has been FASCINATING watching the results in real time here on line. It is totally down to the wire with a few thousand votes separating them, and you can check results, county by county, it is just amazing.  It will be one of the bell weather swing states come November, and the Democrat get out the vote drive has, again, kicked some elephant ass. 794,000+ for the Democrats, 541, 000 ish for the gop... 

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