Friday, February 29, 2008

stupid doctors' stupid waiting rooms

I KNOW!, lets take all the sick people in an area, AND a bunch of crawling little petri dishes and chuck them together in a small airless room THEN make them wait and wait. Modern science or just basic job security. 
NINE+ vials of blood and , what I am guessing LOTS of blue cross/blue sheild's money, we find out " well, you probably have the flu, we cant tell or anything, but, sure .. flu". Neil wouldn't let me go back with him, because I don't hold doctors in quite the awe that he does. 
" I guess you have the flu"?? did the runes you cast tell you that?  I asked Neil was there a jar of leeches in the office. Could this be part of the real heath care crisis in America? LOTS and LOTS of tests and such for... " ummm, sure dude, flu"

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