Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hubris or Monsters ?

What in the world goes through a mans brain to have him do something as totally stupid and completely self destructive as Eliot Spitzer?  How do you wrap your mind around being this white knight out to save New York , and at the same time spend EIGHTY THOUSAND ( o.m.g.!) on prostitutes. The man is worth a gazillion dollars, so I am sure the 80k was a drop in the bucket, BUT that, I'm guessing, has to be A LOT of trips to the hooker well!
It must be a little bit  like McGreevy of New Jersey, except he was dealing with the effects of the impossibility of living in the closet. Gov. Spitzer was living in some self made straight man closet. Seriously, on the very short list for National office and to fuck it up ( pun, OH-SO intended) over this. As sad as it is for his family and for the state of New York, those big ole spiders in his head are..  even sadder.
NOW, i HATE linking to this , but just read what that waste of human skin said about the entire mess: ( preview: its Mrs Spitzers fault!)
(update) Spitzer SET UP!  the laws that caught him. He helped create the laws that made interstate prostitution more illegal AND allowed the fbi/etc track money in banks.... crazy


Neil Houghton said...

Dr. Laura is right. Isn't she Kyle?

Laura said...

Your right that was an awful link, almost as bad as those horrible spammer links, in fact I think my computer now has a virus because of it {cough, cough, gaaag}!