Monday, March 10, 2008


Pookie, Koda and I were out for our walk, when we saw this very pretty Brittnay Spanial looking dog over at the neighbors , running in and out of the road, around the guy who was plowing the sidewalk. I called him over , and got all three of the dogs back in the house ( an ordeal)
The phone number was on his collar,so I called:
"I have Sparky"
"oh, he's not here"
"um, no , I have him"
"how did you get this number"
"It was on his collar"
"oh, well.. could you bring him home?"
"........ yes, where are you"
"well, where are you....."
He got home,one of the McMansions up the road. I ended up not hating the person ( the housekeeper) as much as I started out doing. It was the fault of the invisible dog fence, they DO NOT work under a foot of snow. I don't care for them at all, really. But , all is well that ends well.

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