Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Barack and a hard place

The celebration goes on here in Mendon, all the little leaguers in my back yard are wearing rainbow arm bands in solidarity with the folks in California. The big ole screw up by CNN is making the rounds as well. Sure, get it first, but GET IT RIGHT ! I was a little freaked out this afternoon, I know that TV can't lie, TV is always right!  So, what was I to believe , what I was reading here or what the all powerful box down the hall was saying ? In the end CNN corrected themselves, and just went on to show the loop of men kissing men..
Now, Senator Obama says EVERYTHING that the gays and lesbians want to hear. He really is very pro gay and goes out of his way to bring up LGBT issues in spots that he does not need to do so. BUT, he opposes same sex marriage, all about the civil union, full inclusion, everything save the the BIG M. I'm sure the keen irony of an African American man supporting separate but equal is not lost on the kyle+blog readers. I don't think it's lost on Senator Obama either, but he does what he has to do.
There is most likely going to be a marriage initiative on the ballot in California this fall. One of those kooky California ballot questions that they pop up with, seems like they can get anything on the ballot out there. I see it as a good thing, because I can not see anyone going to the polls voting for Senator Obama , and voting FOR the amendment. It will be win win, BOTH houses of the California State Legislature have passed an equal marriage law, TWICE, now the highest court. I am not too worried about the outcome of the vote .
Senator Obama's problem will be when campaigning  in the state, can he fully support the defeat of the change in the state constitution  and not come out in full support for marriage equality? Is it possible he could bring up the asinine act of having the public vote on a persons civil rights. How many states in the South would have voted for Brown v Board, or Loving v Virginia? Can he , in the end, see the illogic of his ways, and know that ALL men are created Equal, not separate but.

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