Sunday, May 11, 2008

of Iron Man and Sneezing....

A sort of over-cast almost muggy feeling day up here, I do wish it would rain, a good hard cleaning rain, to make my nose feel better! 
We saw Iron Man this afternoon. If you like the SuperHero Genre, you will love this one. I was a comic book junkie back in the day, and there are just all sorts of little inside quips thrown in for the older comic book set, so I loved it. Neil liked it as well, and he never read an Iron Man comic. 
Now, this is a comic book movie, but it has some rough edges , a terrorism sub-plot, some real non-comic violence, so naturally a group of LITTLE kids  came in with us, ages seven or eight tops.. it was a birthday party. They sat all around us ( yes, we got up and moved ) . What do parents think,  or do they think at all??.. the mother was the way-to-old-to-pull-off-the-crop-pant-flip-flop-tshirt- type. So, I'm guessing there was no thought put into it. Its rated pg-13. 
Anyway, if any k+b readers do go see it, stay to the very very end... a little heads up...
On the way home we stopped at the garden shop right up the street.. yes, Kyle, walk down row after row of blooming trees.... ah-choo! and a head ache. So, to make myself feel better: PARTY PICTURES w/HATS!   " move your bloomin'arses!"

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