Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Episcopal Church Welcomes YOU... really.

The U.S. Episcopal Church became the biggest church in the United States to approve a provisional rite for blessing gay unions after its House of Deputies gave its final approval Tuesday.
 The resolution passed with 78 percent approval in the lay order and 76 percent in the clergy order. The House of Deputaties is made up of both clergy and lay people. In the lay order, 86 deputations voted in favor, 19 against; five were divided. In the clergy order, 85 deputations voted in favor, 22 opposed the resolution and four were divided. The proposed blessing liturgy was initially approved by the Church's House of Bishops Monday during the 77th General Convention in Indianapolis, with 111 votes in favor to 41 opposed and three abstentions.
The gays can start getting married......blessed? SOMETHING - Starting on December 2, 2012.

This is a major deal - not just in our house.

The majority of US Presidents have been good Episcopalians - George ll should be on the list, he snuck into St.John's there across from the White House often...
Sure , the Frozen Chosen aint what they used to be, but still - important.

I hope I can Neil to write about how far he and his church have come in such a short time, he has been a vital part of getting this done.

Yes, the crazies will be all END IS NIGH tomorrow.. big freaking deal. Again - THIS big fat gay tooth paste is NOT going back into that tube.

HUFFPO STORY , it's pretty good.

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