July 15th, 1951
Indulge me.
New York City had a high today of 88º - seemingly cool enough, until you factor in the humidity/ dew point of 62%, which must have turned the city into a sauna.
Beat the heat by escaping into the movies
Harry and Bess are still in the White House - well, across the street from the White House. James Thurber is on the cover of Time, giving way tomorrow to a General Ridgway. The World War has been over going on six years , but we are at the height of the Korean Conflict.
Skirts are still long on ladies, the NEW LOOK still the rage giving all reference to the waist.
New York City owns what is then still America's true pastime, The Yankees, Giants and Dodgers taking all the top spots for both league. The Yankees coming off a somewhat fabled no-hitter against the Indians on the 12th. It would be DiMaggio's final and Mantle's first season.
all this and Little, Brown and Company published a slim volume called
Pot/kettle/kettle/pot of irony to be discussing this in a blog. I mean 2012 could not be less Caulfeildesque with " Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you will just end up missing everybody. " We tell EVERYBODY EVERYTHING.
Tuna sandwich, just saw Johnny Depp, good poop.....
Not well know fact : It did not start here! But as with most in the NEW YORKER, 12/21/46, I believe, and I could be wrong, just do not feel like doing the google work to find out, his first published work. AND, dear readers , as my Holden Day gift to you, an online copy of the story:
My back pocket be damned - I mean Chapman and Hinkley did spoil that for all of us - my obsession went on to become the full Glass family. Becoming a literary sleuth, digging and digging into them - but it all goes back to Holden. Matter of fact Seymoure spends some time, twice I believe , letting us know that in fact he IS NOT Holden Caulfield..... folks are still debating that one, Banana Fish and all.
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