Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I did not push play and post the story that went with this headline

 SO - The heads of the GAY MAFIA put out that we should have LOTS of little rallies yesterday, not one massive one in DC. Seemed like a good idea to me. Ours was downtown in front of the Federal Building -

Sort of the exact same usual suspects that come to EVERY event in the greater Finger Lakes area. Our own head lesbians organized it - so the majority of the crowd was ladies of a certain age. I have no idea how to motivate younger folks or really anyone to come out and just let their " voice be heard " just by standing on a sidewalk. I do not understand NOT coming out....maybe if it had been at a different time- who knows?
It was a beautiful , not too cold afternoon
Neil and JCB
Media was out, I think the SIX oclocks lead with it, John Clinton and I were rock stars on the CBS version. BUT - it was a tad unbalanced. There were two loons across the street holding your one man one woman sign, compared to like 100 on out side and the " adam and eve , not adam and steve " ( really that was his quote and it made the news in fucking 2013...) duo got equal time...
This is the shot from the elevator in the parking deck after the event was over - Glad we went down and as always thanks to Bess and Anne for ALL their hard work!

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