Yes, I should have come home and done this with it all fresh BUT - the weather has just been off the charts nice, and I have not been wanting to sit here inside! (sorry, I know yall all like these )
THE 2013 EMMY"s - sucked
A lovely night watching over with Dahn , but the show was just way way off, weak opening, not funny at all bits, the odd obsession with death - at long last we get to see that , as near a deity that N.P.H is, he too can lay an egg!
HERE is a list of the winners , if you have just not been paying any attention.
You know, I watch A LOT of tv , really - but I guess all MSNBC, C-SPAN and random cooking shows, because I just did not know a lot of these. I really only watch ONE big 4 network show ( GLEE - I'm not too proud to go there ) and most of the HBO things are just to violent for me. Mad Men and Downton Abbey . Dr Who was not nominated for anything....
Too top it all off there was LOTS and LOTS of bad fashion!
But let's start with what was good
Christian Sriano |
This is just off the charts pretty, very - someone said she looked like a Sargent Painting, and she does. Perfect for her shape - just loved it.
I do watch VEEP and love it, so I was very happy that she won like her 14th Emmy, and surly the first woman to win for three different shows. I have have a raving girl crush on here - google her dad if you need too....
Never a huge Marchesa fan, they are really getting away from the atomic origami style that made the ladies famous. This one was on most every list on Monday, both the good and bad, some folks hated it, thinking it was just too too ( "does it come with a watering can ") I love it, a tie with Christina as my favorite. Soft , pretty , F-ashion - just a home run
Ralph Lauren |
Yes this is VERY basic - and more Charlotte York that it needs to be, - but that is who she is, and if anyone is cut our for Ralph Lauren, its this lovely actress. So we are going here with what can come in the future from this duo and not so much this .
Atelier Versace |
I think this may be a first with Heidi on our good list - and again, lots of folk hated this. With out the neck piece its just a sparkly Vegas gown - the turtle neck , besides making her look EVEN taller than her natural 9 feet, takes the dress to a level of excitement.
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Ralph Lauren |
A VERY rare choice for me , especially on the red carpet, I don't even think of RL for events - but she is totally rocking this, and in a night where everything was either baby doll cute and lady like or an explosion of color, the ex Mrs Penn schools the new girls in old school take no prisoners - faux preppy dominatrix fashion.
( and there was a lot more bad than good,
this is just the cream scum of the crop )
And so often some of you question my total dislike of children. The thing is I LIKE THIS DRESS - actually a lot, I really liked this entire line that my good pal Muiccia sent down ( she got a little bit cray cray for spring 14 , but why not ) But there is NOTHING right about this - Lena Dunham is not fat - nor is she ugly - not sure why she wanted to leave the house looking both. Tragic in a top 10 fail of all time.
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JULIANNE HOUGH Jenny Packham |
HARD to believe that Jenny Packham is one of the Duchess of Cambridge's favorite designer looking at this HOT mess - horrible color on a horrible dress. It makes me sad.
Talk about making me sad, to put a k+b fave on the list -and again it did not have to go so wrong, this in a color or black even white would have been a stand out, but to wear a dress that is the color of silly putty - when your skin in one shade off silly putty is - you guessed it - silly. Even in this bad choice above the bust is stunning.
Zac Posen
I just do not like Zac Posen - he never met an addition that he did not like.
Deadly Dames |
VERY proud of herself for wearing a 60$ dress that she bought online to the EMMYS - NOT a horrible dress, in any way and she looks VERY good in it - but as the sluttiest mom in the PTA, not the Emmy's RC .
Sort of went along with the theme of the evening - Let's all shit on Hollywood that made us freaking rich. I'm sure she is just still a bit bitter over the JK break up. That, and the shoes I bet are 700$. Grow up.
H/t TLo for the help on this years round up....