Tuesday, March 11, 2014


 Really bad pics of a fun night , and a school night to boot!

Spring time in America 

 My good pal Gene told me he was getting a tad lonely with his hubby gone out of town for a bit , so I told him to come on down, even on a Tuesday . Kicked in HFBFF Bill for a rousing good week day night!

  • Beef Roast
  • Squash and Cornbread Casserole
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Beets
  • English Peas
Really, why on earth do I even try with beef. I just can not do it. This was a top round ( ? ) roast - and it was on sale, so I bought it. Same price and size as a pork loin which I am great at cooking. I googled in the market, what it was and how to cook it, and pretty much followed what the interwebs told me. Low and slow, 325 for TWO AND A HALF HOURS - yeah, like I can do anything that long, so at like an hour forty five, I pulled it out, and it was still a big mass of grey meat. Never again. Neil says its the cheap cuts I buy, but this was not that cheap - so who knows. Everything else was all the yummy and the guys here seemed to enjoy.

I got a little carried away with dessert! Monogrammed Eton mess.

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