Friday, October 24, 2008


To face book, or not to Face book ? , that is the question.
Whether 'tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of the outrageous under 40 types, or take arms against a sea of non communication. And by opposing said Facebook, end it?
I have been signed up to the Face book, a little bit against my will. All I know of the facebook is that it's where JJBSP meets all her mens, and Craig yells at me daily for not having an account there.
Let's just all take a deep breath and acknowledge the fact that this question will be typed in the coming weeks : " are you the same Kyle Crawford that I went to high school or college or college or college or college or college with?"
I will be setting up a pay pal account so that my many ( two ) fans can contribute to my future therapy.


Laura said...

I will aleart my babysitter and my teenager so they can ask to be your friend.

Kyle said...

do they know any cute boys?

b said...

I have gone to set up a Facebook account three times -- for work reasons, actually -- and just can never say yes to the privacy terms. Have been thinking again this week about doing so, so let me know how it goes. It is, theoretically, a more private way than blogging of airing your opinions and your laundry, since you get to decide who reads. But in reality . . . who are all these strangers who want to be your friend? You may have to take to drunk Facebooking --- you never met a friend who wasn't your best where a few adult beverages are concerned.

Laura said...

Mostly Pikes from Georgia Southern? My daughter has invited 900 of her closest friends on her facebook. Truth be known we were going to sign up a while back, got sidetracked onto something else and just never got back to it. Partly for business and partly to be nosey "rents".

Kyle said...

ewwww.. no PKA, they all wear way to much POLO.. and besides they ALL slept with Wendy Slaughter