Saturday, January 7, 2012


Lived Blogged 

I tried. I wrote and wrote and wrote, my stubby little fingers just a blur on the keyboard. But, I just cant do it.

The whole concept is just too much of a circus. Mitt, Froth , Newty and Tex get to say ANYTHING they want and Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos just do not have the time - or the moxey - to call them out on it. Mitt is a Harvard Law graduate yet has no knowledge of Conn v Griswold ??  OR that the state or Mississippi JUST last November voted to try and ban most all contraceptives.( and Gov. Romney told Huckabee that he "absolutely supported the effort "). Frothy is for states rights, but will take away my health insurance... He wants to dissolve all same sex marriages. I really was doing a great job of keeping up until thrice married Newt went off , was allowed to go off on some lengthy tangent on how the poor christians in the United States are MUCH MORE discriminated against than gays are. REALLY, he said this , was proud of saying this... said it with convection, and was allowed to say it....

So, I just quit.

I have been all the slack covering this GOP primary season, I know. I hope to get into it soon.

At least I started hating Mitt Romney tonight, that is something.

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