Monday, November 5, 2012

anybody want a drink before the war ?

ONE     ONE    ONE
( you know I think my life has a soundtrack, right ? - laugh track too, but we can talk about that later )

Right into the deep end - no use for pussyfooting now :

The final Huffington post poll of polls. Mitt and the Blonds take all the yellow/orange/in play, and still lose. That said : What is going on in Ohio right now, as I type this is FUCKING CRIMINAL. Seriously, having to wait 3 - 4 hours in November, in Ohio to vote ? Those with the power do not give it up easily. I just walked by the tv ( G-d knows, I'll be far away from it today ) and lots and lots of non lily white Mormon faces in that line.... again, FUCKING CRIMINAL. The same in Florida too, both with tea party Governors.... 

This is a poll of polls, and to me the basic math does not add up. Why are Virginia and New Hampshire up for grabs if the President is leading and the chance of winning is in the 90% range??  I just don't get it. YES, Nationally it is a razor thin lead by President Obama, but ask President Gore how that national vote works.....

 Now , let's just deal with the issue that to me has been the 300# gorilla in the room all this time:  


He does what he does, working his " magic " over his numbers. He  has been wrong twice before. Prop 8 and Indiana last go round. Other than that, he is spot on. Game changer one, IF this is the map we wake up to on Wednesday, he is the man from now on. No other methods or polling will matter.

I am in love with him, so I am over thinking this - there is a shocker. But it's big picture time here. Math and Logic v fear and loathing. That is how I see this. I realize after a few conversations over the last couple of days,  that not every one is framing tomorrow like this. But, and this is with out my usual hyperbole,

 Tomorrow is the most important election for LGBT Americans, ever. 

Marriage Equality is on the ballot in four states. The first out and proud lesbian Senator is as well. Tammy Baldwin is up in ever poll. THIS IS GAME CHANGER #2. A sitting out and proud gay Senator.... rule against her Judge Thomas. One party and President thinks Neil and I are full U.S. citizens, one party and candidate do not... that is the bottom, bottom line. In or out, full or 3/4's.

If Romney wins tomorrow this wins:

Logic loses. SCIENCE loses big time.... do you know who sits on the GOP held Science Committee ? Todd Akin and Paul Broun - you know, magic wombs and the earth is 9000 years old . SCIENCE people..... 

So, this is it, end of another one. True to aging, they are coming faster and faster -every single one is clear in my head , everyone that I have voted in. Delt House, Crazy ride home to Milledgeville, a return to Winder -Clinton one at Colony Square, Little Rock - Neil's old condo - here and then the bitter sweet of 4 years ago -
seems like there should be more...
It just seems so very clear to me. I don't understand indecision, I don't understand wavering, I surely do not understand taking America BACK.... to what? That mythical Norman Rockwell yesterday when old straight white men ruled the world? The glorious Bush II years? Back?
 When does the United States ever go backwards.
I am doing my mental and physical health a favor today and going low on media - not sure what we are doing tomorrow. We may go downtown to the Slaughter / Democratic hq... just have to see where my head is. 


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