Monday, June 17, 2013

Still yearning to be free....

Majorly over caffeinated for no reason at all. 
No SCOTUS decision on DOMA or Prop 8 today.

Up at first light this morning after being up late late counting how many Don Drapers or Bob Bensons can dance on the head of a pin. Just could not sleep.... 
Your real future being decided by the Supreme Court will do that too you.

Two , possibly three days left for Court rulings this term, Thursday, the following Monday [ the most likely ] and they could add an extra Thursday to the mix.
Four big bread and butter cases left out there, Two for the gays , affirmative action and , what I think is by far the biggest case for the masses, Voting rights - all looming . Just chuck them all out at once and hit the road for their Summer houses, I guess.

Watch this space.....

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