Wednesday, June 26, 2013

This is the day

And it was a long one, really
started out with the DC GMC in front of the Supreme Court

Seemed to peak really early, those few hours this morning , pre decision were just a blur.... then boom. Right off the bat, DOMA - tick tick tick, forever or 5 minutes. GONE.

And gone big and bold too - not a little namby pamby yes you may have a crumb, Justice Kennedy ( Reagan appointee ) blew up the world - Kyle and Neil are equal American citizens, with all rights and responsibilities.

Then the talking started. Lots and lots and lots of talking, from so many people and for what ever reason trying to get in the OTHER side of the argument [ as if the News Media would search high and low for some Klan members to support what Paula Deen said as a good thing - but have NO problem putting on Christian pastors to say really nasty things about me ..] 
And as the day wore on people starting sort of tapping down expatitions, " well the gays did not get everything  - It's not illegal to be a Roman Catholic in this country , yet...". More or less just saying that yes , this is an advancement , but there is much more to be done. Yes, and all these folks were totally wrong.

This was yesterday

This is today

This was Brown v Board, this was Loving v Virginia, this was Griswold v Connecticut and Roe v Wade.: Windsor v the United States.
Just pure joy as the ruling came down this morning, there was dancing, and there was just a massive .. release. The last few weeks have just been gut wrenching, " will it be today ?" , " yes?, no ?" then yesterday with the vulgar, painful gutting of the voting rights act - we were a little worried. I am tired.

A full nights sleep with out lurching towards SCOTUSblog at first light - and we will dig deeper into this.

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