Friday, April 17, 2015


Very much on the getting better side of the great Satan pollen - 80% human today. Had every intention of blogging last night but as I sat down the internet was gone, and I just went to bed, ( if anyone was curious as to what those goofy numbers were )

Filled the last two very soggy/ sneezy days with a binge watch of ITV's 1985 master work THE JEWEL IN THE CROWN . I have not finished it yet, but so far am just amazed at how good this is. On a story level - really better than Brideshead. But it is all epic in scale where as Brideshead is drawing room personal- and " better " for other reasons.

If you had asked me on Monday if I had seen this I would have said, " goodness yes , everyone has " - but I would have been wrong! I watched PASSAGE TO INDIA - along with all the other mid 80's British angst at the end of Empire movies which I guess in my brain all rolled into one, including Jewel in the Crown. Very adult situations, not just hinted at.

It is new on netflix - if you find yourself unable/unwilling to move for any 14 hour reason - a great way to pass the time.

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