Sunday, April 26, 2015

Won't You Be My Neighbor.

Our neighbor came over early afternoon all in a panic, her pup Fletcher was missing! She has two dogs, Giant Lilly was still in the back yard, but Fletcher the Gordon Setter was no place to be found. He has never gotten out before, so everyone was worried. His breed just get laser focused on things, so I am sure that is what happened, rabbit, fox, deer - something was out in the park and he went to get it.

Neil printed out some flyers and I put them up all up and down the trail and at the Mendon Market Turns out that someone found him right after he got out, but a ways down the road, and was walking around with him looking to find anyone else looking , so by the time Koda and I were riding around looking and calling, he was already in Honeoye Falls doggie jail ( really just the local vet ) , where he has to stay till morning, due to it being Sunday.

So a happy ending to a trying morning!

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