" If you do not repeal
DADT right now, I am going to hold my breath till I turn blue , and then I am going to lay down , right here in the frozen foods aisle ,and have a kick fit..."
This time , I do blame the mothers....
This is just a quick little example of what is wrong with the GLBTQQIA Equality movement . ( yeah, I know, the first could be all those damn letters )
The Netroots Nation crowd are all out in Las Vegas, getting their righteous liberal anger on. I would love, love, love to be with them. Next year the k+b goes big time and I make it ! If you don't know what the Netroots Nation is, that is fine.. think of it as the Left side of gopac.. IF you don't know what that is.. bless you.
Every one's best pal/gay big brother , Joe Jervis is proudly out there representing the folks, and keeping us posted of the goings on. This convention is a really big deal politically, with all the big guns showing up, your Obama's ( by video) your Pelosi's and your Reid's. Hail , Hail the gangs all here!
So, Senate Majority Leader Reid , JUST , like two min ago finished addressing the gathered pinko's and the VERY first words out of his mouth were to recognize Lt. Dan Choi, who is of course right there front and center, and the crowd goes wild! GOOD for Harry Reid, right?
Not so fast, Comrade!
Joe is live blogging on the facebook of all that is going on there in Sin City, and he just leads off with that comment: Reid praises Choi.... and all hell breaks lose. ( you know, as much hell as can break lose in the comments section of someones facebook page)
" Dan Choi should just stare Reid down"
" Dan Choi could " call Reid out" " ( I don't even know what that means )
" Stand there and stare him down, Lt. Don't say one word , just stare at him, make hims squirm, the whole room should join you"
Someone just points out that yes, we all were expecting more from this Congress and the President this last term, but he is infinitely better than Sharron Angle. Really, one would think that we could at least all agree on that , right?
" he is better than the alternative" is the death cry to all political change"
" I agree, I would rather be let down by a political enemy than a friend"
" Yes, Angle is a moron, but to give Reid a pass on lgbtq issues based on his ( and Obama's ) broken promises only let's him continue using us as patsies. He needs to be made aware of that and act on our behalf NOW!"
It just goes down hill from there, with " asshole" , "stockholm syndrome" and " fuckwit" ( what ever that is ) being tossed around, really, two comments away from someone on one side of the other being a Nazi......
Lets start over: IF I DONT GET WHAT I WANT RIGHT NOW, I WILL HOLD MY BREATH TILL I TURN BLUE. Come on , fuckwits... ( I kind of like it! ). The freaking leader of the Senate and the Speaker of the House just addressed you , and all you can want is more more more , now now now! Where exactly, fuckwits.... do you think that Harry Reid would have gotten SIXTY votes to override DADT ? " BUT I WANT IT "
Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!
For anyone to think that life for gay and lesbian Americans would be better with Sharron Angle with any sort of leadership at all, is just sad. We are in a war, and right now, despite losing almost every battle, we are doing more than holding our own. Just today ,
a judge in newsworthy Arizona stopped their Friend of Jesus Governor from stopping all benefits to same sex state workers.... and good thing,
Things are changing , to me , at almost lightning speed.... but, I read a lot of history. I mean, the MLK lead civil rights movement only started on August 28, 1963 and was over when LBJ signed the voting rights act in 1965. All it took for women to get the vote was for that chick to ride a horse down Pennsylvania Ave with her shirt off.. I saw that movie. It has been TEN YEARS! since that pink ceiling was cracked and Vermont allowed a " civil union"! Why can't ours be as fast as theirs!!!
Then I made the fatal mistake of just saying " ya'll be nice" on there, and my poor little iPhone thing is now wringing off the hook , as people just continue to cyber bitch slap one another.....ding, ding, ding. There is a real enemy out there folks. Just look at the Georgia GOP run off, as the two candidates try and out BURN THE GAYS one another, and I can and I will, put you all in a circle, and make you sing kum-bah-yah, WITH ASL.
BE NICE.. and practical.. and read more. And think before you type....