Thursday, June 21, 2012

stupid is as stupid does

I need you to watch this one, all of it.

Yes, I know you come here for recipes and lovely photos of Koda, but you have to see this.
Re: Zillionair Darrell I$$a and his Congressional flying monkeys hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of congress ( a phrase which in itself is laughable )

Rep. I$$a was on the 10:00 Fox Show - can't think of her name, that O.J. woman who had all the work done... she is married to someone... anyway. Rep. I$$a goes on her show [ I watch some Fox News, "know they enemy" and all ] and says " A WHISTLEBLOWER brought this to the attention of Senator Grassley"  This entire deal is from the tin foiled hat mind of some nut job blogger in Alabama - and the United States House of Representatives is inducing a Constitutional crisis in this country because of it..... YOUR 2012 GOP in action

I will be coming back to this, but I have an early afternoon date with 18 guys in tight pants and a cold beer.....

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