Friday, October 18, 2013

Yes, and the President is still black


Tongue firmly in cheek at the title of this post - It's just been a freaking LONG political week, with the ACA aka OBAMACARE at the heart and center of it all. Post shutdown, the past 24 hours, have been nothing but the full out shit storm of what a hot mess the ACA website is - even to the point of me starting to believe it. 
Now, knowing way less than nothing of how to start a brand new GIANT nation web site, maybe things are horrible. BUT, I also know that every time Apple or Microsoft do a re-boot, what ever they call it - there are MAJOR glitches for the first what ever - its just the ghost in the machine, the nature of the beast. Things will get better - 

BUT, what I do know of the ACA is my pal Harry wrote this today : I signed up for the NY plan the other day. No glitches, no problems, simple, clear...and the premium, for the mid-level coverage, would be roughly ONE-THIRD the cost of keeping COBRA coverage through my former employer. Yes, Virginia, this thing WORKS.

Easy to sign up for and saved a lot of money - what?
And I am sure Harry would not mind me telling you all this  - but he could have some REAL issues in getting covered at all. EASY TO SIGN UP FOR AND SAVED A LOT OF MONEY...

but wait, there's more:

Last night  - night before, sometime , anti aca poster boy SEAN HANNITY did his normal little dog and pony show on just exactly when and how we were all going to die, after becoming zombie communists. 
This is his job, really - he is , I guess along with the fat one, the main outlets for this stuff. So he marches out these three couples to lay low the outrage of the ages.
Again, Sean Hannity with the full backing of the Murdoch empire - and these are the people that he chose to go to , the very first night we were all paying attention to the roll out. 
You know what they said, horror , horror, communist, horror , death panel. You have heard it all before - AND ALL EASILY FACT CHECKED AND MADE UP. 

If you dont read anything at all I like too, you have to/must / need to read this one: FROM SALON.COM. 

Inside the Fox News Lie Machine:I fact checked Sean Hannity.

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