Monday, November 3, 2014

So, about tomorrow ....

As some of you long time readers have probably noticed there has been a real lack of political commentary here in the k+b the last few months. If you look back over the years, and we have been doing our little art project for two Presidential cycles now - it was wall to wall politics to the point of some of y'all stopping reading . Not a peep this time.

One reason is that NEW YORK is really not in play. We have not had the shot gun blast of constant ads that folks in swing states are getting. Only in the last couple of weeks have we had any tv ads at all to speak of. It is pretty much a sure fire bet that Andrew Cuomo will be reelected governor  tomorrow. The long time congresswoman from Rochester will be, and my no account Finger Lakes GOP empty suit will sail to an easy victory as well.

This is so very not the case in so many states this go round and we could easily , and probably will go to bed tomorrow night with a Republican Senate looming come January. IT COULD STILL NOT HAPPEN, but all the talking heads are saying so. I have pretty much gone on a mini news black out, just because there is none and the pundits are making me nuts by trying their best to make news. Two different polls with two different results is NOT breaking news.

AND - lets face it , just like with football, losing in politics is not fun, and that is what my side is set to do tomorrow. All the President Obama haters will be all blown up in full force crowing to wake up that morning sun - and I just don't want to watch. Call me a coward, I'm fine with it. But, here is the bottom line, nothing will change, at all. The GOP in control of both chambers of Congress will not change anything except turn the level of rancor and vitriol up to an 11. There will not be the GOP numbers to over ride the landslide of vetoes that will be coming down the path, so all these little tea party folks will vote for tomorrow is more gridlock.

 I have never not voted, ever. All the ups and downs of my life, and I have never missed a single election - I can not for the life of me understand why people don't . We get the government we deserve.

So, tomorrow night I plan on going on an ENDEAVOUR , season one binge and dive into what I hope are not to overly depressing numbers Wednesday morning.

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