Sunday, May 24, 2009

But as for me and my house, we shall serve Frank

Make sure to read Frank Rich's column in the New York Times this morning. Adam Lambert, Dr. Martin Luther King and  Evan Wolfson , come on, you know it has to be a barn burner!. A mild spanky of our President for his fence sitting. 

"The gay civil rights movement has fewer obstacles in its path than did Dr. King’s Herculean mission to overthrow the singular legacy of slavery. That makes it all the more shameful that it has fewer courageous allies in Washington than King did. If “American Idol” can sing out for change on Fox in prime time, it ill becomes Obama, of all presidents, to remain mute in the White House."

As Mr. Rich points out, President Obama went very GAY positive during the campaign to out flank Senator , now Secretary of State , Clinton on the left. Smart move on his part. Did She return the favor this week?

 ( from that same Sunday NYT ) "The State Department will offer equal benefits and protections to same-sex partners of American diplomats, according to an internal memorandum Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton sent last week to an association of gay and lesbian Foreign Service officers.
Mrs. Clinton said the policy change addressed an inequity in the treatment of domestic partners and would help the State Department recruit diplomats, since many international employers already offered such benefits."

Great!, all those over achieving, overly pretty Harvard's Kennedy School of Gov't  graduates can take their husbands with them when they go off to serve in East bumble Whatever. Good for them, but let's look a little bit deeper. This is against Federal Law, that pesky little troll under the bridge that is my life : DOMA.

1.) No state (or other political subdivision within the United States) needs to treat a relationship between persons of the same sex as a marriage, even if the relationship is considered a marriage in another state.
2.) The federal government may not treat same-sex relationships as marriages for any purpose, even if concluded or recognized by one of the states.

Hmmmmm... not exactly sure how the Department of State will get around this minor caveat, but looks like they are. ( and I apologize for this next sentence, but sometimes a cigar is just a cigar) Is this the first crack in the dike that will lead to the ultimate downfall of D.O.M.A.?

I do not for one second think that Barack and Michelle Obama , as double Ivy League Graduates, who are my age, do not FULLY support all out  register- at- Pottery Barn - pick- out-a- hat- to -wear- to- the- fabulous- afternoon-wedding , Gay Marriage. Really, it just does not make sense to think so. I also understand why , still in 2009 he can not do so publicly. We just have to hope that A CHANGE IS GONNA COME....


b said...

Frank Rich's columns never fail to give me a little thrill. All that weekly ink lets him take the pace of an essayist rather than a daily columnist. Which is incredibly satisfying to read, don't you think?

(Plus, what better way for me to catch up with the TV I've missed each week?)

b said...

As for this particular column, part of me thinks: give Obama a break. He's been president for all of four months, and he's been incredibly productive. Sit back there for a bit and wait for Phase II, after he's accomplished some things and can afford to piss off some wingnuts.

Then again, maybe the time is now, as Rich says says, for "you people" to move to the front of the bus.

Where's this movement's MLK Jr.? Are gay-rights groups too splintered to unite between one person even if s/he did emerge?