Thursday, May 7, 2009


" Sometimes there is God, so quickly " - Blanche DuBois

I want to type it again.. Jack Spong and Matt Alber.

Can't sleep, Am not in the mood to start this mess over again, so back on the healthy living bandwagon tomorrow. Heck or high water.

If one must find a bright side to insomnia, and one must, it's just getting all crazy on the Internets, goodness knows where it will take you.

Spong and Alber.

I think I have written about Bishop John Spong here before, if not, it's because kyle+blog started just as the Spong Jihad I was on for a while was waning. But, there for a while, I had Spong Turrets. I've only seen him speak once, but seriously, five more minutes and I would have made me a full out altar call... some walking on my knees, speaking in tongues  looking for me a snake to handle . Like the good lord didn't know when to make the man stop talking....

Even casual readers should know about the planet sized crush I have on Mr. Alber. Thanks to the 'net, the two are .. sort of , together. Throw in a few pissed on Tri -Delts from Vanderbilt, and you have got yourself a night! Who needs sleep! ( tell me what thats for!)

and one more matt... cause you know, it's my blog....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't care if you're on the healthy living meat-rice-vegie bandwagon. I want to see your eats. Pleeeeese, pretty please, with non-fat, no-sugar, Kool Whip on top!