Monday, October 4, 2010

and we shall learn together, that all the wisdom of thy soul is wrough from stormy weather...

Fall of 2010, the year we learned that ( shock! ) : " there are OTHER colleges in the country! " Yes, yes, I know, we have dabbled, like Christine and her witchcraft, in other schools. A tailgate or two in Auburn or ClemPson, some pretty wild times up at Sewanee with their cute little kilt clad faux football. I've even threatened to hit Cornell or a Hobart football game up here.... but, my heart has always been,and still is, smack dab 'tween the hedges.....
BUT, being like , oh, one of the worst teams in the country AND living 1000 miles from the Classic City, my chances of seeing my Dawgs on TV are getting pretty slim, so : OTHER SCHOOLS!

Stated out with this from the NYT : "Send us your photos : TAILGATING MERRIMENT!" . Now, merriment is something that is hensteethesque in Athens these days, so I am really looking forward to seeing all these photos from folks all over the country. One of the first comments on the story was a link to this MOST FUN website:

Kyle has a new imaginary cyber best friend!
His first trip was to the legendary 
GROVE, at Ole Miss.
You will have to know a little bit about Ole Miss
to understand this picture, but trust me, its fabulous.
AND the pillars are full of beverage! How fun is that.
No, we do not approve of television at tailgates ( we are radio people)
and these people have made some seriously bad fashion errors, but 
such an A for effort!
It is an entire blog on tailgating fashion, fun and food! 
call me home!
I am SO going tea sized with my next PCSs!
Love this idea

Newbie Taylor is on a country wide tour of college campuses this Fall, and reporting back from all.
I do wish his only UGA visit was not going to be the once mighty cocktail party... hardly UGA tailgating at it's best. Boy after  my own heart is also eating his way around college towns ( NOT during football season ) all over the country. His trip to ATHENS, GA. HERE.

I will steal from report from the Times site and Taylor's site as the season goes on.

The tailgate scene in the Finger Lakes of New York.

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