Tuesday, October 19, 2010

" you don't be an American Idiot....."

Broadway Babies!

From Huffpo : "The first lady made a Democratic fundraising swing through New York City on Monday, stopping by a performance at Broadway's St. James Theater, currently the home of Green Day's "American Idiot." Ticket holders paid between $100 and $2,500 per seat to watch musical performances by Broadway singers and Patti LaBelle and to hear Michelle Obama and Jill Biden speak. She had previously attended a more pricey event at Donna Karan's home."

Let's jump right in with an age old complaint. Huffington Post, owned by a very fashionable woman, ( well a smart rich woman once married to a very rich gay man) leads with a story about The First Lady, and what she was wearing, and has no real pictures of what she is wearing! AND, read that again, Michelle is hanging out over at Donna Karan's, they are having a glass of wine, just chatting
Michelle: " you know, I have to go to this Broadway thing, and I really only brought this one dress with me"
Donna:" Oh honey, please, one entire floor of my apartment is walk in closet, go up there and get what ever you want......"

See! who knew it was a knee length dress? I had to do a little internets digging to find another picture of it for you. I've always loved grey with camel!
Michelle :" Oh, Donna, I love this grey one, but I really wanted to wear a more street length tonight"
Donna: Don't worry ! reaching into her bed side table, pulls out a sewing kit and hems dress, right on the spot.
You too can have the exact same dress! I do suggest having the body of our First Lady-" viscose/spandex " if you do decide you can't live with out it. ( and you won't have Donna to hem it)

Dr. Biden did not have time to change after managing the bank all day, but can do no wrong in our eyes.
SJP in full her full SJP glory... see note about Dr. Biden.

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