Tuesday, October 25, 2011

It's the little things you do together, Do together, Do together, That make perfect relationships.

or as my pal Tommy down in B'ham put it :
 Politics by Salvador Dali.

A couple of videos for you, I posted them on the facebook, but do not want them on my blog, so we are going to go with links.
Watch, then we will discuss.

One of the top ten ( top five ) strangest/weirdest

A wtf for the record books. So much..... #1 of #1.. there is no CAIN campaign. No real organazation that .. one would think that a serious canidate would need in Iowa, New hampshire and South Carolina. So, who is this Willy Loman guy in the ad and what the hell is up with the Mad Men drag  ? From Huffpo : "The Buffalo Beast's Ian Murphy speculates that Block, who "was, until recently, the Wisconsin State Director of Americans for Prosperity," is just giving a shout out to AFP's generous funders from the tobacco industry. Cain has also worked closely with cigarette manufacturers in the past. As the head of the National Restaurant Association, he lobbied against higher cigarette taxes and smoking bans in restaurants."

So its like some weird shout out to Phillip Morris that " we have got your back" ??? A known puppet of the Koch Machine as his lead person and spokes head ? This HAS to be from The Onion, right? But its not.. it is the state of the state of GOP politics in Late October 2011... ONE year out..


From the King of Blood Diamonds
and serious all out Loony Tune,
Pat Robertson we get this:

or up is down.. black is white,.. something weird.

Over the years, Pat Robertson of 700 Club fame, has come out with some of the most cringe worthy, batshit crazy , incendiary statements EVER. Gays are from the devil, spaceships, you name it, this man has taken it, put a coat of crazy paint on it and made it his own. And now , in the most Pot/Kettle moment in recent US political history, Pat Robertson is calling out the 2011 class of GOP wanna bes as too extreme....

1 comment:

b said...

OK, that ad is some sort of parody, right? He takes a drag off a cigarette at the end? In what universe....?