Saturday, July 26, 2008

Joe hates me

I was never a coffee drinker, always was a Diet Coke, (ok, started out with TAB and now moved on to Coke Zero ) drinker first thing in the morning. BUT, seeing as how I live in the great frozen North, I started maybe a little over a year ago , drinking coffee in the mornings. It sort of gave me a tiny little buzz, a jolt of happy first thing in the a.m.. I started drinking lots of it. Two splendas and milk. Yes, sissy coffee at best , but I love it.
SO, tooling along, drinking that morning Joe, happy as a clam, when : "DARN these Summer allergies have never been this bad". "WOW, my ears have not been totally shutting down like this in a while, what ever could be blooming!?",  and why does it only set off like this first thing in the mornings?
Add COFFEE to the list of three million things that I am allergic to! Really, it just totally clogs up my ears , on first sip.. and lasts for hours , its like being on a plane only your ears will not "pop"...
So,  good bye, Joe  ( Wegmans brand 100% Colombian) it was a brief , but happy affair. We will always have C-span and reading the newspapers online.


TheCrankyProfessor said...

I'm very sad for you.

Anonymous said...

I can't think of anything much worse. Coffee is the last vice which is still okay to enjoy. Hang in their.